U7: Biomes and Succession
7.10a: Observe and describe how different environments, including microhabitats in schoolyards and biomes, support a variety of organisms.
7.10b: Describe how biodiversity contributes to the sustainability of an ecosystem.
7.10c: Observe, record and describe the role of ecological succession such as in a microhabitat of a garden with weeds.
Vocabulary Words
limiting factor
living matter made from cells; can be classified into one of the kingdoms
a change in a plant or animal that makes it better able to live in a particular place or situation
the existence of many different plants and animals in an environment
a large area that has similar climate and food webs
all of the biotic and abiotic factors in an environment
a resource or environmental condition which limits the growth, distribution or abundance of an organism or population within an ecosystem
a small area with unique characteristics that will support a variety of organisms (ex. rotting log, school yard, dead animal)
an organism's job or role in an ecosystem (ex. producer, decomposer, consumer)